Oct 13

Get your day off to a good start…

Creative fun with Picture Postie photo prints begins at breakfast time for Denise @microchipster. We love your pics & your breaky, yum!

Breakfast Photo Printing

Breakfast Photo Printing

Oct 13

Display ideas please!

Ok creative peeps!! Denise @dp_swag is looking for some display ideas… What would you do with this fabulous collection?? How would you display these 4×4 inch square photo prints?

How would you display these prints?

How would you display these 4×4 inch instagram photo prints?

Oct 13

Spark! The Future Art Show

T minus 2 days until The Future 2013 art show at the M2 Gallery in Sydney.
For one night only, you will have the chance to experience the work of emerging artists and bid on all works with 100% of art proceeds donated to A Start In Life. …Tickets are $10, purchase online www.spark-thefuture.com/tickets or at the door on the night.
It’s worth going to see the top 100 pics displayed from the Instagram comp alone, printing donated by Picture Postie!
Spark The Future Art Show

Spark The Future Art Show – Instagram Competition

Oct 13

Family history restored

Justina @jding has chosen to capture some beautiful history and memories on canvas and photo blocks.
Thank you for sharing Justina, we love your Grandmother too!

Canvas and Photo Blocks

Family history on Photo Blocks and an Instagram Canvas Print.

Aug 13

A Shout Out to us!

One of our lovely customers Luanne gave us a shout out tonight. It’s so great to hear that you love Picture Postie as much as we do!

….Yay! My canvas arrived today from @picturepostie along with a bazillion prints from the last few months. Can’t wait to hang everything! By far the best app I have on my phone #photos #memories #americatrip #nearestanddearest….

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User review